The day after my birthday (my 30th, no less), I got really sick. It's mostly gone but I missed three days of work for it. A little rough these days, that, given that I'm the primary knowledge base for a lot of my team and we've had a lot going on lately. I did a lot of work from home which helped (apparently, most people didn't even know I was out unless I specifically told them, and even then my boss said she didn't even notice I was gone because I wrote so much e-mail while out).
Unfortunate side effect to being sick is that I don't feel like doing anything but sleeping and playing video games. I'm back in the gym tomorrow (weights are calling my name), and hopefully lots of drumming this weekend. Also finishing the granite on the kitchen island.
Probably the part I'm stressing the most about being sick is that I didn't get much writing or drumming done; I did draw a little, but not a whole lot else. My brain wasn't able to focus on text or just about anything, so I mainly watched TV. Drumming was hard because moving made my head spin (and I'm not exactly a stationary drummer these days, I'm all over the kit). I'm glad it's over, but it hit me so bad (worse than I've ever been hit). I'm still coughing a bit and blowing my nose, and just finishing up the antibiotic ointment for the case of pink eye that I got at the same time. Yes, it was that screwed up (timing is everything!).
However, birthday rocked, got money and an iTunes giftcard and a gift cert from my team (aw!) to a music store. A surprise birthday lunch and for dinner we went with my grandma to dinner. After promising that he would throw me no surprise parties, my husband decided to be clever and got a coworker to do it instead. Sneaky loophole! But it was fun anyway.
Addicted to "The Battalion" podcast; it's about the San Francisco Fire Department. Good stuff. Between the iPod and hubby and stepson's new video cards (Radeon HD 2900 Pros), the geek factor is probably through the roof in our house.
We now have almost official full custody of stepson (it's shifting from temporary to permanent). He said tonight that he felt bad he didn't get me a birthday present. I told him it was cool, but in retrospect, I should have told him that my present was knowing that he got to stay with us. He gave me some presents in game on Guild Wars instead (aw).
And I'm sad that winter is on the way - time to take the ol' sportscar/racing car off the insurance again and garage it for the winter. On the other side of that, it's around this time of year that I met my husband 11 years ago, and that's always good to think about. 11 years together, 7.5 of it married, and we almost never fight (really). I think in the last 7 years we fought 3 times.
Yay I'm 30! :D