Saturday, December 10, 2005

Ah Saturday morning

I have a bitch of a headache, but I'm reassured: it's now the weekend, and I am only a week away from two weeks off. Freedom, sweet freedom. At least, for a couple of weeks.

Less than a week after vacation, first aid and CPR class! Whoo!

Short post; off to write a bit. I got on a roll last night but didn't end up finishing what I was working on.


medic! said...

It's pretty fun watching you fall to the dark side. Just remember, computers can never leave a GI bleed stain on your pants like EMS patients can...

Drummer Girl of Doom said...

It's now time for Star Wars quotes! "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends."

Ah yes, there's blood stains. And computers can't really talk back, or be crazy, or tell me where to stick it, or die... actually, never mind, they can kind of die.

Hrm, choices. Getting blood on me, or getting the blood sucked from me by Microsoft management?

... oh did I say that outloud? :)