Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Boo, day

Looks like some of my other coworkers are starting to feel the craptasticness of the job. I did admit to two of them that the job was making me want to run around in the middle of the night in the cold and get bled on.

After that, I added another one to the "she's completely nuts" camp. And I didn't even go into vomit or feces or urine. Le sigh.

The fact that I work on a product that the vast majority of computer users see isn't quite enough to keep me going. One of the guys I talked to today says that he just doesn't have passion for it like he used to. It's really the heart of the matter.

I've started doing research towards the novel project. I've been reading a book about characters and viewpoint, and I started to get a little concerned as I read it. I worried that I wasn't coming up with enough ideas for my characters.

Then it occurred to me - maybe I've been doing this process all along and just haven't noticed. Once I got that straight, I felt better.

I've been getting back to the gym more; not only is it a bit of my sanity, but I've always taken some pride in how much I can lift, and I've slacked a bit the last few months. I love weightlifting so I'm pretty happy to be back at it. I pushed myself pretty hard, but I don't think I'm going to be sore in the morning.

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